Xxotic Angels Fan Page

Measurments: 32DD-28-32
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 116 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Nationality: British
Birthday: 26/05/90
Hometown: Buckinghamshire England
Twitter @CarlaHowe
Booking Info:
Xxotic Angels Feature
Interview by New York
photos courtesy of

Mac & Devin Go to High School,
Lowrider magazine,
Rukus magazine, Nuts magazine
videos courtesy of
Rukus magazine, pbmorningshow ,
The Smoking Jacket,
Exotic magazine,
Hollywood Undead,
XA - Hey boys I have the other half
of the Beautiful Howe Twins!!!
The Captivating and Dishy
Carla Howe!!! lol
XA - Thanks for giving me
this interview Super Beauty!!
XA - Welcome to Xxotic Angels!!!
XA - Tell me what makes you
an Xxotic Angel?
Carla- well being from London
in the states makes me exotic
i guess lol and I am an angel
most of the time :)
XA - Yes You Sure Are Both Beautiful!! lol
XA - I just have to tell you that you are so Hot!! that you can cause a major
global warming in my world lol
Do the fellas try to chat up with you and get you laughing when they
try and get your number? lol
Carla- guys are all different in there approach but i prefer they just act casual,
im quite down to earth and a sense of humour is a must
XA - Well I great with jokes making girls laugh lol
XA - Now I know you are from Bucks, UK were you mischievous like your twin
was growing up or the innocent one? lol
Carla- i would say being the middle child i was the mischevious one and probably more likely to try and take charge, i wasnt really naughty but did get into trouble for bunking off school a few times to go shopping with my friends lol
XA - You Hot Rebel you lol
XA - Tell when did hanging with the boys turn into
Hanky panky with the boys? lol
Carla- i dont kiss and tell lady in the streets haha
XA - Now the first night in America your sister said you both ate in T.G.I. Fridays
what did you have to eat the first night? lol
Carla- we where pretty jetlagged i had the bbq chicken my fav can't get enough :)
XA - Now did you get into modeling the same time that your sister did?
Carla- I actually got into the modelling scene before my sister, in college i was studying performing arts and my sister media, the i started going to castings and doing music videos then i got my first shoot with a uk Lads mag called zoo, from then on my sister started coming along to castings with me and we started modelling as "The Howe Twins"
XA - Let's everyone know some of the things that you've done in modeling?
Carla- I have appeared in numerous music videos from the UK to the USA,
for artists including, 50 cent, Jay Sean, Birdman, Gunit, and Chris Brown,
so far 2011 has been an amazing year 1 of my proudest assignments this year was
appearing on my first front cover of "Exotic adventure and Travel Magazine"
sold in all barnes and noble and Borders interationally it was my classiest shoot yet,
i also shot a part in Snoop Dogg's new movie in which i feature a sex scene with
rapper Wiz Khalifa "High School Movie" which will be out next April, Me and my sister
have been crowned official "Playboy Radiomates November 2011" have appeared in our
first rock video and shot a 6 page spread in Califorias "Lowrider Girls" magazine,
those are just a few memorable shoots from this year.
Mac & Devin Go to High School
XA - When did you think about doing implied in your photo shoots
and did you have to get a little tipsy first before you shoot? lol
Carla- i figured if you've got it flaunt it, i am au natural 32dd and in a few years
when im old i'll look back at the pictures and be happy i made the most of myself.
XA - Love your way of thinking Beautiful!!
XA - Give me your best "Bite your arm off" moment in modeling?
Carla- i dont get that question? but my most unenjoyable moment
was shooting for Ruckus magazine in March it was so cold outside and i was wearing
the smallest 1 piece bikini shooting non stop for like 4 hours in 5 inch heels, it isn't
always as glamorous as people think but its all worth it for the end result when you look
at how amazing the images come out
XA - I was asking you, your best moment in modeling, but saying you in the
smallest bikini and 5 inch heels is my best moment lol
XA - From your Beautiful Eye Catching pics, the boys are moreish of you..
I'm asking lol I mean they're asking is Carla shagging with anyone or just taking
a mickey with them for fun? lol
Carla- currently i am just "taking a mickey with them for fun" im currently single
and loving life i am working and have been so busy shooting and dedicating most
of my time to the industry but never say never.. if Tyson Beckford comes along
my answer might change .. lol
XA - lol
XA - Do you have a certain type or long as he's a good guy
it's ok for a date?
Carla- I don't have a certain type if theres a connection then im open
to different types of guys
XA - Carla dating rules are? lol
Carla- I am a little old fashioned i believe a guy should always be the pursuer
the only thing a girl should be chasing is her dreams :)
XA - Tell me the last time you had your sister pretend she was you,
when the phone call was for you but you didn't want to talk? lol
Carla- i wont say any names but a musician i shot a music video for kept on calling me
and i ran out of things to say so i got my sister to take over ..
XA - lol
XA - Random: Is your sex drive like how they get it on in the hbo show True Blood
or more like a 40 yard dash with a fast start and but a quick finish? lol
Carla- definately True Blood
XA - Yes!! lol
XA - What's the craziest place in England or US you had
Posh `n Becks with someone? lol
Carla- South beach :)
XA - Ok you've been on Playboy radio, what was that like for you?
Carla- Playboy Radio is always lots of fun me and my sister are regulars on there and have just been crowed "Playboys official November Radiomates" after our crowning we did a hot shoot for playboy the images will be up within the next week on www.playboy.com and the smoking jacket so keep a look out :)
XA - Would you ever do a pictorial for Playboy?
Carla- Yes I love Playboy there shoots are allways done in a classy way and for years
legends such as Marilyn Monroe, Pamela Anderson and some of the worlds most
beautiful women have shot for them.
RadioMate Mic Passing - The Howe Twins by pbmorningshow
XA - How long did you wait before you gave a American Boy
a Heavenly or Hit and Miss? lol
Carla- Heavenly Hit the accents are definately a turn on i love the Atlanta
and Houston ones the most so TI holla lol
XA - lol
XA - Name the one thing you and your twin sister don't do alike? lol
Carla- i've just started Boxing training as a fun way to workout my sister hasn't yet,
but im sure i'll persuade her in the next few weeks to give it a try ..
XA - lmao
XA - What do Carla Howe do for fun to entertain herself? lol
Carla- as i'm always shooting and working alot of the time when i do get free time
i like to go to the movies, shop catch up with my friends and going to the spa
XA - Does Carla have any kitchen skills, or you a master with To-Go orders? lol
Carla- with my lifestyle im a "master with To-go Orders" i can cook but just
rarely get the time lol
XA - lol
XA - What's next for Carla that our eyes need to been on?
Carla- I have had an amazing 2011 shooting my first movie role appearing in various music videos magazines both in the UK and USA appearing on the catwalk and hosting for Playboy Radio, me and my sister have just launched our website www.thehowetwins.com and will be blogging daily so our fans can check all of our latest news daily, we are now working towards our own reality show so watch this space ...... FOR OUR TAKEOVER
XA - Yes Take Us Over!! (Butthead's voice) lol
XA - Give love to all the Carla Howe fans out there, and say something to the
new ones checking you out?
Carla- Thank You to all of my new and old supporters from
the UK to The USA love you all xxxxx
XA - I would like to thank the Beautiful Carla Howe for this interview with me,
hope it made you laugh and you had have fun?
if you want to see more of Carla Howe here are some links
If you would like to be featured
on Xxotic Angels email us @
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