Measurements: 32-24-34
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 107
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Naturally Black, at the moment brown
with blonde highlights
Nationality: Black, German, Irish K
Birthday: November 12
Hometown: El Paso, Texas
Twitter: @JNerd_theDOLL
booking info:
Xxotic Angels Feature
Jasmine Vassar - JNerd
Interview by New York

XA - I have Jasmine Vassar
better know as Beautiful J Nerd
to you guys..
XA - Hello Babygirl, how are you doing?
JNerd- I'm GREAT!! Thanks for asking :)
XA - Welcome to Xxotic Angels!!!
XA - I was happy to get to do
this interview with you, because you are
so Beautiful and Exciting!!!
XA - Tell me what makes you an
Xxotic Angel?
JNerd- I'm a devilish girl with a sweet side as well. I'm the perfect mixed of
naughty and nice :)
XA - Now you are a Beautiful Nerd!!! And You're Hot!! I would hit the bed
and books with you any day lol
Do guys say crazy things to talk to you like this? lol
JNerd- hahahahahaha all the time I think it's hilarious I don't think
I've ever been offended by the comments pure entertainment.
XA - Who came up with the name J Nerd for you?
JNerd- Cinnamon Midget!! A girl I knew name online back in the Myspace days!! lol
It was nerdjazzie, she shortened it and ever since then that's how everyone
knows me. So I've never managed to change my username it sort of stuck..
XA - lol I like it

XA - You were born and raised in
El Paso, Texas right?
JNerd- Yes!
XA - Tell me about growing up there?
JNerd- It was amazing!! I love El Paso from a outsiders perspective, it seems like a ugly boring place to live but you have to be from there. I actually miss it and it's cultural a lot!!
XA - First place you would take me to
in El Paso?
JNerd- Probably Not!!! lol a lot of people think it's whack and boring in my opinion. If you're not from there and don't know anyone it's boring. Now if you know where to go and what to do and have people to kick it with, it's Hella cool...
XA - I can have fun anywhere lol
XA - Was you always the girl next door type?
JNerd- Growing up I think I was one of the guys!! I think guys probably had
secret crushes on me, but I was always looked at it as I'm one of the boys.
So I never got hit on!!! LOL
XA - I can't believe that Beautiful!!
XA - At what age did boys enter the picture for you?
JNerd- I've always been cool with the guys. I think I hung out with them more
then girls a lot of the time. But it was never on a dating level, more like the
homie level until I moved to Dallas. Where I was the pretty girl, not the
pretty girl who was one of the guys.
XA - Ok you moved to Dallas why?
JNerd- My Mom moved us, she said there was more opportunity to be something in life
out there than in El Paso. Where everyone is living life the same, never changing
or aspiring to be better. I think it was really wise choice on her part.
We came out here with nothing.
XA - Are you a Big Cowboys fan?
JNerd- Um no not really LOL but then again I'm not really a sports type of girl.
XA - lol
XA - Tell me when did you start modeling?
JNerd- My first photo shoot was actually December 31, 2010 LOL
with a photographer named Jim.
XA - Let us know some of the things that you've done?
JNerd- I've been doing a ton of interviews and been doing a ton of interviews
and been on a lot of websites!! And I have a lot in store for you all... :)
XA - Your first photo shoot can you give me any details on what is was like for you?
JNerd- It was amazing I loved it!! The feeling I got, I could see myself in front of the
camera all the time. It's a stress reliever, your living your dream doing something
you love. I wouldn't trade it for the world, it's my drug of choice.
XA - So I just need to pull out a camera on you and get you camera fever lol
XA - Alright time for the question everyone wants to know, are you taken?
(If no, how does one apply for the job?) lol
JNerd- jnerds SINGLE!! :)
XA -Yes!!! I mean yea lol
XA - Without saying their name, pick a movie or a song of your fantasy guy?
JNerd- I can't think of the name of it, wait yes I can dear John!!
XA - lol
XA - The one thing a man can do that will make you say,
get up dude you have to go?
JNerd- Be entirely too cling and controlling. Trying to stop me from doing
certain photo shoots due to jealousy!! Ugh adios loser
XA - lmao
XA - What do you have coming up, that we should be watching out for?
JNerd- 2012 Calendar...Also, be on the look out, I'll be testing for Playboy soon.
XA - That's what's up Beautiful!! Can't wait for that!!!
XA - Say hello to all your fans and a shout out to all the new ones?
JNerd- HEYYY GUYS!!! I love you all thanks for continuing to support me and always
being so kind!! Also, hey new fans!! Welcome to my world enjoy the Journey
I know you'll love it..
XA - Do you have any kitchen skills?
JNerd- hell No lol
XA - lol
XA - Tell me something you've never shared with your twitter fans before?
JNerd- Um.. LOL I can't think of anything.
XA - lol
XA - It's role play night I'm dressed up has Peter Griffin.. who are you dressed up has? lol
JNerd- Who is Peter Griffin and I'm dressed up as Wonder Woman or
Cat Woman that's Sexy!!
XA - lol you are too Beautiful!!
XA - Tell us your Katie Perry moment with a girl?
JNerd- 8th grade with my bestie sapphire truth or dare!
XA - lol good ole truth or dare...I see you like dares lol
XA - Now you want to pose for Playboy why?
JNerd- I love Playboy!! Loved it since I found it in a friends grandpa's room LOL...
It's so liberating and Free!!! So empowering I love it...
XA -So do I lol
XA - Have you ever posed nude before?
JNerd- Not professionally LOL
XA - Do you think you're ready to let me, I mean the world see all your goodies? lol
JNerd- It'll be a Fun experience
XA - Is anything off limints when it comes to sex?
JNerd- my Ass ew no anal
XA - lmao
XA - If I went through your dvd collection would I find porn?
JNerd- Nope but if you went thru my history on the computer.. Hahaha porn hub
XA - lol yes
XA - Craziest place you've hooked up with someone and did you both
have a happy ending?
JNerd- too be honest I must be boring cause it's always in the bedroom...
XA - nah luv, bedroom is always good lol
XA - I would like to thank the lovely Jasmine Vassar- J Nerd for this interview..
Hope I made you laugh and it was fun?
JNerd- Great thanks for interviewing me!!
If you want to see more of the Hot J Nerd check out these links...
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