Measurements: 36DD-27-40
Height: 5'2"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Nationality: Black
Brithday: Sept 1st
Twitter: @time4teri
Booking Info:
Xxotic Angels Feature
Teri Dancy
Interview by New York

photos courtesy of
XA - I'm interviewing the
Super Sexy Teri Dancy!!!
XA - Welcome to Xxotic Angels!!!
XA - Teri What does being an
Xxotic Angel means to you?
Teri- Being an Xxotic Angel
to me means, Beautiful, Enticing, and Innocent.
And I do consider myself all 3. LOL
XA - Yes You Are!!! lol
XA - I would like to say, I like staring at your eyes, booty and even your lip's are sexy!!! lol
Teri Gorgeous, Gorgeous
Yes You Are!! lol
Do guys say silly things like that
to get you to talk to them? lol
Teri- Guys really don't
approach me that often, so I don't get a lot of crazy lines thrown my way.
XA- I can't believe that Beautiful!!
XA - So Greensboro, NC is where you were from what was growing up like for you?
Teri- Growing up in Greensboro was cool, not a whole lot to do had to deal
with several haters in school.
XA - Shy, Good and Quiet or Out going, Bad and Noisey? lol
Teri- I'm all of those balled up into one.
XA - When did the boys want to play tag with you in a different way? lol
Teri- Tag hmmm lol probability when I started middle school. You know how young boys
are, but my Mom was not going for that.
XA - Yes I know how us young boys are lol
XA - So how did you get into modeling?
Teri- I started modeling as a Carolina Honey out of Charlotte NC.
XA - How long have you been doing it and are you having fun?
Teri- I've been modeling for about 4 years now, but not that often and yes I love it.
XA - Tell me a few things that you've done?
Teri- I've done Charlotte Fashion week....been featured in a couple of mags...
Worked with SummerBunnies and now currently getting into acting.
XA - What was your first photo shoot like for you can you remember?
Teri- My first shoot was with the Caolina Honeys it was very cool.
Great people to work with. They've always showed me so much love.
XA - How long before you could shoot in a bikini
or did you just jump right into it? lol
Teri- I just jumped right into a bikini. lol
XA - lol
XA - The boys tongues are hanging out (mines included) from your pics lol
and they want to know is Teri Dancy single?
Teri- Am I single hmmm, well all I can say is no one has put a ring on it.
XA - lol I hear ya
XA - The kind of guy that you like to date?
Teri- As far as the type of guys I like, I have to be attracted to him of course,
he has to be smart, be able to make me laugh, well dressed, for some reason I always
at the shoes first, well groomed, mature, handles his responsibilities and honest.
XA - Random: Is your sex drive like Penguins diving back and forth in the ocean
or like Walruses laying on rocks not moving till they get hungry? lol
Teri- Sex drive well probability like a Walrus lol. If I was in a relationship with someone
and was loved and respected that would definitely be different I'm sure.
XA - lol
XA - Can you cook any good dishes that I would have to try that doesn't have pork? lol
Teri- I can cook just about anything. I love pasta and Mexican food.
XA - Two of my favorites lol
XA - A night on the town hanging with you, what can I expect to happen?
Teri- On a night out with me, you should expect a grown and sexy atmosphere.
Nice drinks, cool people and no drama!
XA - What are you wearing that's sexy, while doing interview?
Teri- Jeans and a tank lol
XA - Do you like to be bossy in bed or will you let a guy have his way?
Teri- I would say I can be bossy and he would have his way as well. We can take turns.
XA - lmao I like that there.
XA - Friends with benefits or a serious relationship kind of girl?
Teri- I'm a serious relationship type of girl.
XA - Tell us your Katie Perry moment with a girl?
Teri- No moments with girls. I've been approached before but not my thing.
XA - Do you have any Adult toys or a special one that gets the job done? lol
Teri- Not currently getting the job done and no toys. I'd rather have the real thing.
XA - Last time you had to get you some in public? lol
Teri- I don't do the public thing. That's more for quickies and I don't like those.
XA - Best thing that every happen good for you because you have Big Boobs? lol
Teri- The best thing I would say is getting out of speeding tickets.
XA - You Sexy Speeder you lol
XA - I want to say thank you to Teri Dancy!! For taking time out
to do this interview with me. Hope it was fun Luv?
Teri- Yes it was fun thank you so much for featuring me on Xxotic Angels!!!
XA - You're welcome Beautiful!!!
If you want to see more of Teri Dancy here are more links to see her
If you would like to be featured on Xxotic Angels email us @
you are hot.
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ReplyDeleteJesus this woman is Hot and Amazing!!
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