Measurements: 34-24-34
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108 lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: Colombian
Birhtday: July 16th
Hometown: Cartagena, Colombia
Twitter @linaexotic
Booking Info:
Xxotic Angels Feature
Lina Margarita
photos courtesy of
Alex Tirado Photography
M.A.R. Photography
Glamour XPosure
XA - Here is the Beautiful Lina Margarita
formally known has Paola Cali
XA - Welcome to Xxotic Angels!!!
Lina- Thanks!!
XA - Let me know why are you
an Xxotic Angel?
Lina- hmm I don't know. I'm exotic,
but i'm definitely not an angel.
Well...maybe sometimes!!
XA - lol
XA - Sexy Sexy Sexy!!! We would practice love making, like we was trying to
reproduce the world full of your look a likes, you're so Beautiful!! lol
Do you hear things like that from guys who want to speak to you? lol
Lina- Well not that creepy lol but yes along those lines!!
XA - Lmao
XA - First I like the new name Lina Margarita!! Great choice but I got
used to Paola Cali why the change?
Lina- It's actually a very complicated and long story, but the short version is....
that name was under contract and since i'm no longer in the contract I had to give it up.
XA - Ok you were born in Santiago de Cali, Colombia
tell me what being a kid was like?
Lina- I was born in Cartagena, Colombia. And it was a lot of fun!!
I lived with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousin. I was the baby :)
I always got to play with my friends and spend a lot of time at the beach.
In Cartagena it's Always Hot!!
XA - You came to America at 10, can you remember how you
felt leaving Colombia to here?
Lina- I had mixed emotions. Happy because I could finally be with my Mom.
Excited to see a new country and it's people, and sad for leaving my family behind.
XA - What state did you move to in America?
Lina- New Jersey
XA - Did you make new friends fast?
Lina- Nope!! A lot of kids would make fun of my accent. I didn't really
speak English so they would laugh or think I was weird because
I dressed differently.
XA - Innocent one or bad girl your teenage years?
Lina- I was bad lol my Mom was very strict so she didn't let me do anything.
I would sneak and lie all the time and then get caught.
XA - lol
XA - The age you started dating boys? lol
Lina- hmm I think I was 15
XA - I read your first photo shoot was age 16 is that right?
Lina- Correct
XA - Was you nervous and can you remember who set it up?
Lina- My Dad did.
XA - Anything you can tell us that wasn't funny then, but you can laugh at now
that happen on your first shoot? lol
Lina- Honestly I can't remember lol
XA - lmao
XA - What do you love about modeling?
Lina- Everything!! It's my passion and when I'm in front of a camera,
all my worries are forgotten. I get into this zone and persona
and no one can break me. It's what I do best.
XA - Tell me some of the things you've done in modeling?
Lina- Well I've been in 3 Exxxotica shows, calendar shoot, 2 music videos,
bunch of features and online magazines.
XA - Us American men are in love with Colombian women from head to toe.
What do you think it is about Colombian women we love so much?
Lina- I think it's because we are very exotic looking, eccentric, sweet, hard working,
powerful women. We are very unique. And of course our sexy accents.
XA - Well I agree lol
XA - Men viewing this blog are seeing your Hot pics!!! Are going to ask
if you're single or have a special someone?
Lina- I have a special someone. Sorry guys!! I still love yahs!!
XA - Lina's type of guy would never do what? lol
Lina- Cheat, Lie, or Disrespect Me or My Family!!
XA - Is your sex drive like cable t.v. or like the airport full of delays?
Lina- I don't get it lol
XA - lmao
XA - You've done Exxxotica in different cities a few times, what is it
that you love that keeps you doing them?
Lina- Well the first Exxxotica show I did, I was modeling for Rix Magazine so I figured it
was a perfect exposure opportunity. The next two I was modeling for a bikini company
and they attend each one so I went. But I don't think I will be doing another.
XA - You're also featured in 2012 Custom Ladies Calendar.
Tell me about working with themand what month you are?
Lina- Lauren Luna the artist is absolutely amazing and very talented!!
So were the beautiful girls!!! I am Ms. June ;) Make sure you guys
order your calendars at customladies.net
XA - Now I understand you're a fastball pitcher and help your
team win a 2006 Championship?
Lina- Yea I was. I was pitching for Mahwah Travel Softball at the time.
We beat North Halendon, Nj
XA - How fast is your fastball clock at?
Lina- 65 mph
XA - I used to play baseball, how many home runs could I hit off you? lol
(had to throw that one in there)
Lina- I don't think any. I was a junk pitcher. My curve and change up were the best.
I doubt you could have hit those ;)
XA - When you are not modeling what did you like to do for fun?
Lina- hmm I volunteer at an animal shelter, so I love to spend time with
those kitties and puppies. I love to tweet and dance.
XA - Any kitchen skills or a take out master? lol
Lina- I can cook a few things, but I'm a take out master. I am interested in
learning how to cook though.
XA - That's good
XA - What's next that you have coming up everyone should look out for?
Lina- I am one of the flavors for the company Better than Sex Ice cream. I am
Ms. Morning after Coffee. And also my December feature in a men's magazine.
XA - Give love to all your fans new and old?
Lina- I love them all!! I tell them everyday. They know!!
XA - As you were doing this q&a what are you wearing that's sexy? lol
Lina- umm nothing sexy lol sorry guys. It's 3:46 am and cold in my room.
I'm in sweats and a t-shirt :D
XA - lol
XA - Draw full of toys or one that gets the job done? lol
Lina- Two toys, but one gets the job done right!! hahaha
XA - Craziest place you hooked up with someone
and did you both have a happy ending?
Lina- ummm....hmmmm...the woods maybe? and no definitely not me.
XA - Yes the woods is a very good spot...and the nerve of that dude lol
XA - Is anything off limits when it comes to sex?
Lina- umm one thing but that's for me and my partner to know :P
XA - What's secret among friends lol
XA - I have one last question for you, the one topping that can be poured
on your body to be licked off?
Lina- Whipped cream and chocolate!! hehee
XA - I would like to Thank Lina Margarita for this interview hope
it was fun for you too Beautiful? lol
Lina- It was!! Thank you so much :)
XA - You're Welcome!!
If you would like to check out Lina Margarita more
here are a few links
If you would like to be featured on Xxotic Angels email us @
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Very nice!